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Viridian Joint Complex Capsules

Viridian Joint Complex 30 Veg Caps


Συνεργατικό μείγμα θρεπτικών ουσιών κατάλληλων για τη διατήρηση της υγείας και κινητικότητας των αρθρώσεων. Η πηγή vegan της γλυκοζαμίνης στην παρούσα φόρμουλα  είναι το Aspergillus niger.

Αυτό το ολοκληρωμένο συμπλήρωμα βασίζεται στις τελευταίες έρευνες σχετικά με το πόνο και τη φλεγμονή και έχει σχεδιαστεί για να καλύψει τις ανάγκες εκείνων που απαιτούν την υψηλότερη απόδοση από τα συμπληρώματα τους.


Ο συνδυασμός των βοτάνων, βιταμινών, ιχνοστοιχείων και αμινοξέων, αυτού του προϊόντος προσφέρει την απόλυτη στήριξη, τόσο σε περιπτώσεις ρευματοειδές αρθρίτιδας όσον και σε περιπτώσεις οστεοαρθρίτιδας (αναδόμηση και επούλωση με αποτέλεσμα την ανακούφιση από τον πόνο και τη φλεγμονή) όπως επίσης και στους λάτρεις των σπορ όπου η στήριξη θεωρείται αυτονόητη, δηλ υποστήριξη για την πρόληψη και τη θεραπεία των αθλητικών ή/και εργασιακών τραυματισμών όπως π.χ.  τραυματισμών στους τένοντες, τους συνδέσμους, και τους χόνδρους κ.λ.π.


Αντενδείξεις: Δεν συνιστάται για χρήση κατά την εγκυμοσύνη ή τη γαλουχία.


Αλληλεπιδράσεις: Εκείνοι με πεπτικά έλκη και μεμονωμένα άτομα που λαμβάνουν διουρητικά φάρμακα μπορεί να είναι πιο πιθανό να παρουσιάσουν γαστρεντερικές ανεπιθύμητες παρενέργειες με τη γλυκοζαμίνη.


Δόση: Μια μέχρι τρείς κάψουλες την ημέρα  πρίν ή μετά το φαγητό ή όπως συστήσει ο γιατρός.


ΣΥΣΤΑΤΙΚΑ: Γλυκοζαμίνη HCL (vegan) 500mg, Boswellia serrata 50mg, Ester-C (Βιταμίνη C)50mg, L-προλίνη 50mg, Turmeric 25mg, Quercetin 25mg, Βρομελίνη (1200 gdu / gm) 25mg, Ρίζα Τζίντζερ 25mg, Μαγγάνιο (ασκορβικό) 1mg.







Viridian Viridian Joint Complex 30 Veg Caps

Information: This comprehensive complex is based on the latest research on joint pain and inflammation and is designed to meet the needs of those who demand the highest performance from their supplements.

A combination of herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, this product offers the ultimate in joint support, both for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis and for sports enthusiasts.

The source of the glucosamine is Aspergillus niger, making it highly effective and also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

•  GLUCOSAMINE (Vegan) – The body manufactures glucosamine, a simple molecule composed of glucose and an amine (nitrogen and two molecules of hydrogen). Glucosamine is an important building block needed by the body to manufacture specialised molecules called glycosaminoglycans, found in cartilage.  Glucosamine is almost exclusively researched and used for the treatment of osteoarthritis (OA).  Once absorbed, glucosamine is taken up by the joint tissues, where it is incorporated into the connective tissue matrix of cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Recent research has demonstrated that glucosamine inhibits a number of inflammatory markers known to be involved in OA, these include cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX-2), PGE2, and NFkappaB.  Thus glucosamine is being noted for its role as a symptom- and structure-modifying supplement in the treatment of OA.

•   BOSWELLIA – In studies, compared with a placebo, treatment with Boswellia resin resulted in a significant reduction in pain, time duration of morning stiffness and ‘joint and disability score’ among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Other research has shown treatment with an extract of the gum resin of Boswellia, reduced joint swelling, pain, stiffness and the need to use NSAIDs in 260 patients with rheumatoid arthritis.  Similar beneficial results have been found in osteoarthritic cases.

•   ESTER-C – Vitamin C is a crucial factor in the building and maintenance of joint structures such as collagen and proteoglycan.  Results from the Framingham Osteoarthritis Cohort Study revealed that a high intake of antioxidant nutrients, especially vitamin C, may reduce the risk of cartilage loss and inhibit progression of the disease in people who have osteoarthritis.  Research has shown that supplementation with the Ester–C (calcium ascorbate/threonate complex) provides an effective way to build vitamin C reserves.

•   L-PROLINE – Proline is an amino acid that is converted, using vitamin C, into hydroxyproline which makes up a large part of the collagen structure.  Collagen is an important component of connective tissue, tendons, cartilage.

•   TURMERIC - Curcumin reduces inflammation by lowering histamine levels and by increasing production of natural cortisone by the adrenal glands.  A preliminary trial in people with rheumatoid arthritis found curcumin to be somewhat useful for reducing inflammation and symptoms such as pain and stiffness.  A separate double-blind trial found that curcumin was superior to placebo or phenylbutazone (an NSAID) for alleviating post-surgical inflammation.

•   QUERCETIN - Quercetin demonstrates significant anti-inflammatory activity via a number actions including inhibition of mast cell and basophil degranulation, neutrophil and monocyte lysosomal secretion, prostaglandin formation (particularly leukotrienes), and lipid peroxidation.  A membrane stabilising effect is known to be part of the anti-inflammatory effect.  Quercetin has also been shown to inhibit the enzyme hyaluronidase (responsible for the breakdown of collagen matrix of connective tissue and ground substance).  In addition to reducing leukotrienes, quercetin is also beneficial due to its antioxidant properties helping stabilise collagen, the material needed by the body to maintain healthy joint tissue.  

•   BROMELAIN - Bromelain is helpful in healing injuries, particularly sprains and strains, bruising, muscle injuries, and the pain, swelling, and tenderness that accompany sports injuries.  Bromelain has also been found to dramatically reduce postoperative swelling in controlled human research.  Much of bromelain’s anti-swelling effect is due to activating compounds that break down fibrin.  Fibrin forms a matrix that walls off the area of inflammation, resulting in blockage of blood vessels, inadequate tissue drainage, and edema.

•   GINGER ROOT - ginger exerts potent antioxidant effects and has been shown to offer relief from pain and swelling in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and muscular problems.  The therapeutic benefits are likely due to a reduction in free radical damage as well as inhibition of inflammatory compounds such as thromboxanes, leukotrienes, and other prostaglandins.

    MANGANESE - Manganese is a popular remedy for strains, sprains and inflammation due to its ability to increase the level or activity of Super Oxide Dismutase (SOD) thus increasing antioxidant activity.  Patients with rheumatoid arthritis or other inflammatory conditions have an increased need for manganese.  SOD prevents the damaging effects of the super oxide free radical from destroying cellular components.

Note:  Viridian uses a vegetarian (non-shellfish) Kosher form of glucosamine as D-Glucosamine Hydrochloride which has at least 83% active glucosamine as compared to the sulphate form, which has 50-60% active glucosamine.

Potential applications: Osteoarthritis / rheumatoid arthritis - repair and healing resulting in relief of pain and inflammation, disorders of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Supportive for prevention and the healing of sports injuries.

Recommended Intake: 1-3 capsules daily at mealtimes, or as directed by your healthcare professional.

Ingredients: One capsule provides Glucosamine (vegan) 500mg, boswellia serrata 50mg, Ester 50mg, L'Proline 50mg, Quercetin 25mg, Bromelain 25mg, Ginger Root 25mg, Manganese 1mg.